What Is A Tactic Campaign?

A tactic campaign is an activity that is important for short-term goals or targets. Usually, they support strategic campaigns to help achieve monthly, quarterly, and half-year targets or specific tests.

Short-term goal and target examples:

  • Generate +10% consent so that a strategic email campaign successfully reaches its target group with an increased CTR (click-through-rate) of 0,79%ᅠ
  • Generate 20 new leads by running a LinkedIn campaign to achieve the monthly target.ᅠ
  • Test three different landing pages (A/B Testing) to increase user engagement by 3%

A tactic campaign is an activity that is important for short-term goals or targets.


Smartly’s study in 2023 found that although most organizations have automated the creative development and management functions, a significant portion of B2C businesses, still depend on manual interventions.

Quelle: https://www.smartly.io/

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